We work with pine, but you can use any soft wood, including spruce. It's really important to look for boards that don't have too many knots, especially in the center - you don't want axes bouncing off your bullseye. The bullseye (inner red circle and unmarked 5 ring) must be 3.5” inches in diameter inside the center ring. The bullseye must be 24” inches (60.96 cm) from the bottom of the board. This should make the center of the bullseye 60″ from the floor. Image result for about axe throwing, axes, axe throwing boards, axe throwing board woods The common rule is that thrower must not step over the throwing line before the axe hits or misses the target; a thrower who steps over the line gets 0 points. Before the competition, a special target for practice throws must be made available.
The Tailgate Garage
43335 Michigan Ave Canton, MI 48188
Mon - Wed Reservations Only for groups 15 or more
5pm - 10pm
3pm - 10pm
3pm - 8pm
Special days*, please call or leave us a message!
Same day cancellations will not be refunded